Brushing and flossing are a fundamental part of your oral hygiene routine. They help remove plaque, prevent bacteria from causing dental decay, remove teeth discoloration and eliminate bad breath. Our dentists and team have provided an easy guide for you to follow to help keep your teeth healthy.

How To Brush

We start by using a toothbrush approved by the American Dental Association® and toothpaste that has fluoride in it. Fluoride is a mineral that strengthens and protects your teeth from dental decay and most often appears naturally in food and water. Your toothbrush should have soft bristles and a small head to reach the more inaccessible areas of your mouth. We recommend using an electric toothbrush, as these appliances are more effective than traditional options.

When you brush, remember to:

  1. Start at the bottom, where your gums and teeth meet.
  2. Brush over every part of your teeth: outer surfaces near your cheeks and lips, inner surfaces near your tongue, and the chewing surfaces.
  3. Alternate between circular and back-and-forth motions.
  4. Gently scrub your tongue to promote good breath.

How To Floss

Like brushing, the regular flossing of your teeth helps extend the life of your smile by cleaning food debris from between your teeth and your gumline. This helps prevent dental decay or more serious conditions like gum disease or infections.

We suggest that you:

  1. Use a long piece of floss to have better grip and control.
  2. Wrap ends around both middle fingers to keep them secure and use your pointer fingers to direct the floss between your teeth.
  3. Place the floss between the teeth close to the gumline.
  4. Use gentle sideways or up-and-down movements to remove debris.
  5. Remain gentle throughout the whole process to prevent unintentional injury.

For more information about brushing and flossing, give our office a call and schedule an appointment with our dentists today.